Are you in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man? Or are you thinking about breaking things off, but just not sure if you should?
In this blogpost, I list the five reasons you should reconsider continuing to invest in a relationship.
The following points can be considered early warning signs for you to consider whether your should, based on my extensive experience helping women – invest further into a relationship.
Sign #1 He Makes You Feel Less Confident About Yourself, Not More

A major red flag is when you sense that your partner is always criticizing you no matter what you do.
Excessive and overbearing criticism is a major red flag in relationships. This could be that your partner is always critiquing you, no matter what you do. It may make you feel unloved, and it will affect how you feel about your partner. This can be a sign of abuse, which is never ok.
Excessive criticism is not to be confused with your partner giving you positive points of improvement, communicated with good intentions.
If your confidence is shaky, even well meaning and criticism with good intentions can be triggering. For those struggling with a low sense worth, they may think that critisim is a dagger to the heart. This is not always true. Criticism is about improving yourself and it’s not always negative.
That is why it is important to know the difference between “being hyper sensitive” and “easily offended” and being criticized as a form of abuse.
However, if you feel like you can do nothing right and have a partner that is constantly trying to break you down, making you doubt your sense of worth and cause emotional and mental distress, it might be a sign to reconsider the future of this relationship.
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Sign #2 They Are Unnecessarily Cruel

Piggybacking of point #1, whenever you feel like you are walking on eggshells and can do nothing right… you might be with a partner that is unnecesairly cruel.
An unnecessarily cruel partner can be a sign of emotional abuse and a definite red flag.
This type of emotional abuse is often disguised as jokes or words that are meant to be harmless. But those words can have a lasting and damaging effect on you – and the people who hear them.
It’s hard to know if you’re in an abusive relationship (when you are in one), but if your partner tells you that you’re “stupid”, “fat”, “ugly” or makes comments indicating that “nobody would want you” – those are all types of verbal abuse.
Verbal abuse can make you believe that you are stupid, ugly, and worthless.
Being in such an abusive relationship, can be deteremenal to your mental health and future relationships, making it hard for you to concentrate at work.
Don’t miss: Why you might feel miserable, unloved and unworthy
Sign #3 Your Needs Aren’t Being Met

You feel like your emotional and physical needs are not being met by your partner.
Sometimes when our needs are not met by our partner, we might start seeking those needs from others.
A good example of this is to seek attention from your male coworker so that you feel “wanted again”.
As exciting as this might feel in the moment, this is definately not the solution to your problem.
If you feel like the only way you can get attention is by flirting with other men, it might be time to reconsider why you are in a relationship with your current partner.
Oftentimes, women who feel neglected by their partner tend to see other men as tools to make him jealous in a deperate attempt for validation.
If you find yourself doing these things, it might be time to start reflecting on wether it makes sense to keep investing in such a relationship and better seek for a new relationship where you feel wanted and valued as a woman.
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Sign #4 You’re Scared to Ask Your Partner Anything

When you are afraid to ask your partner for help, it might be an indicator of an unhealthy relationship.
In a healthy relationship, you typically feel like you are able to ask or rely on your partner whenever you are in need.
Of course we are talking about healthy needs, as excessive neediness might be an indicator that you need to do some inner work.
It is important to be emotionally independant, yet have the ability to feel comfortable enough in your relationship to ask and also to receive.
Understanding the root of our fears is also a good way for you to see wether your fears are justified or wether you are trying too hard to be seen as “the good girl” who is non demanding.
An emotionally unavailable man, however can make you feel bad whenever you ask for his help.
He will disregard your needs and/or ridicule your needs altogether! If this is your experience in your current relationship,
I would advise for you to analze this further to see wether this is an early woarning sign of a relationship where you are better of leaving.
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Sign #5 When You Stay, Hoping That He Will Change

When we are single, we all hope that one day we will meet and experience the perfect partner.
Many relationships start off positive / on a high, and we as women tend to want to show our best sides and tolerate more.
Once we get into relationships, we might hope for change; hoping for things to revert back to the good old days of “perfection” in the beginning.
If you partner is an emotionally unavailable man, it can be tricky; as this type of person might always promise change but refuse to follow up with the promised actions.
It is natural to be hopeful, especially when you have fallen in love with a significant other; but, the relationship may not be worth the time and effort when you do not see any real change.
Learning to accept your partner as they are and recognizing they may never change can help you make a decision on whether or not you want to stay in the relationship.
And, if you do choose to break off the relationship: instead of immediately breaking off the relationship and jumping into another one at rapid speed, I would urge for you to look within and write down what your non-negotiables are.
Knowing your non negotiables will help you to know early on wether a relationship is worth waiting for your partner to change.
Change has to come from your partners willingness to recognize that there is a part of him that needs to improve and follow up with the necessary changes.
Start Creating Healthy Love Today By Discovering Your Relationship Blockages
We all have unique relationship blockages to how we relate to dating, marriage, and love in general…
When you discover your unique Relationship Blockages, you can…
- Free yourself from neediness and looking to a partner to make you feel whole.
- Stop being “too nice”.. hold natural boundaries while being your most loving, attractive, & magnetic self.
- Attract a high value man who truly loves & respects you. (Transform your current relationship, or discover the new love of your life.)
First Step? Discover YOUR unique Relationship Blockages… after taking the quiz you will receive a custom e book outlining how you can overcome these blockages:
Hope this helps you on your journey of becoming your best, most radiantly magnetic self!
Light and love!

September 8, 2021Great stuff. It’s so important to pay attention to your emotional needs and make sure your man makes an effort to care for your well-being and blatantly shows that he has your best interests in mind. Ask yourself this, “Does he care about my feelings?”