What can you do when it feels like nothing is going right and you find yourself down in the dumps, upset – yet unable to let go of an ex?
Disappointments can be tough, and they can be a big part of the dating and relationship process.
If you are in this situation, I feel for you…Let me share my own story.
Not Too Long Ago Was There too…
Feeling incredibly down about a situationship I was in.
I was at a crossroads where my situationship seemed to be going nowhere. I invested so much time and effort trying to get this man to commit to me.
In the end.. after months of trying, bending over backwards and being desperate I found myself feeling down, disappointed in myself yet full of resistance of letting him go.
I started to feel an anxious, like I had to do something to get rid of those triggering feelings.
It was then and there that I learned that my pain was coming, not from the situation… but my RESISTANCE to the situation.
I Just Could Not Let Go……
I was unable to accept that the relationship was not it for me, I wanted to fight more, “do” more… but in the process I was building up my anxiety and I turned into a hot mess.
The reality was that I was abandoning myself by holding onto an idea of “how things needed to be”.
And I was unable to “let go” to make space for the one for me.
It was only when I finally surrendered to “what is”, that I was able to finally breathe and make space for the type of man that I deeply desired, but was subconsciously afraid of going for.
But as I surrendered, I felt light, at ease, soft and optimistic.
Now here comes an important question to ask yourself..
How would it feel in your body to surrender?
Is it difficult for you to let go and accept things?
When feeling this in your body, do you feel an invisible force pushing you to “do” more, to prove and to control?
Surrender and Attract Love & His Complete Adoration
The key is to surrender without feeling the need to go back to him, perform for his approval again or going back to beg and “make things work”.
Using some of my tools will help you surrender in a way for you to safely let down your armor and step into attracting and mesmerizing.
And believe me, these tools seriously work like MAGIC
Just look at this testimonial from a beautiful client from Germany:

Minutes Before Trying out the Tools:
She was still angry about a situation with a guy she was seeing
Her body felt tense and her thoughts were haunting her
Anger was still present in her system and it was tainting her experiences with her other dates
After explaining her a simple technique to “release” and “magnetize her vibe”, this was her experience after a quick session with me:
It is amazing to see how fast a woman can go from anxious and up in her thoughts to feeling CONFIDENT and magnetic!
Click here to apply for a FREE DEMO Session Where I Show You How The Tools Work
Because of my schedule, I can only do a few of these FREE DEMO sessions a week, so feel free to apply right away if you are READY and committed to becoming a high sought after and adored woman .
To your love,

What do you think?