🚨🚨LONG controversial post ahead🚨🚨
Allright ladies, time for another controversial post – get that tea boiling lol.
For those who do not know about her past, Rihanna was born in Barbados. Her father was a violent alcoholic.
For most, this should already pave the road towards a rocky life. Yet she persevered.
Rihanna is now a billionare in her own right, not because of music – but because of her brand Fenty beauty and Fenty skin.
-> What if she were to listen to those around her?
-> What if she listened to everyone who told her “better become an nurse or a doctor because there is no money in music”?
-> And.. what if she listened to everyone who told there is no market in a skincare brand that is inclusive?
Follow your purpose and the money comes easily.
I congratulate Rihanna for keeping her eye on the prize – her legacy.
Now for the controversial part: I have seen people online ridicule her dating patterns.
Rihanna and ASAP Rocky have reportedly made their relationship official after months of dating rumors and years of being at each other’s side.
Now, in this post I won’t be talking much about their actual relationship or any dating rumours.
This post is about women, like Rihanna automatically being attacked on and reduced to their “bad dating patterns” when they are successful at something else (like running a successful business).
How many women have problems attracting and getting into a relationship with a healthy, high value man?
As a love coach I see it every day.
Ask yourself if you were in a good relationship (with yourself): what have you experienced before you saw the light?
Most probably a series of bad dating patterns, fuck boys and the works.
Yet still, you managed and to succeeded.
Rihanna has often been portrayed as mentally unstable for staying in relationship with someone like Chris Brown.
Those reading this are in a bad relationship and feel like you settling – do not let your mistakes shame you.
As a woman we need to “have it all” – good looks, a husband who is “perfect”, a thriving career (when your career is good they assume you cannot be a good wife or mother).
With all this pressure, no wonder so many women are clueless and deeply unhappy. As a woman it is never enough.
“How are you supposed to excel at ALL areas in life?”
No wonder women tend to be burned out and confused, and as a consequence:
Many women settle because it is easier than having to face the shame that comes with “not having their love life together”.
I advocate women to start by giving THEMSELVES the praise and confidence to be patient with their love journey.
When you act based on fear of remaining single or your childhood (of abuse) and previous relationships (of abuse) – you will not be happy and you remain trapped.
When you take away fear and need for validation, the career and the relationship follow automatically.
And what is best: you are no longer able to be controlled by those around you, because YOU are happy with who you are.
A woman who is happy with herself is the most radiantly magnetic force on the planet, because she taps into her TRUE SELF.
While I do not know of the ins and outs of Rihanna’s relationships, I have noted a change in her demeanor after dating Hassan Jameel (Saudi Billionaire).
Reportedly Rihanna and Hassan broke up because of conflicting lifestyles.
While many women would have caved to change for their significant other, Rihanna boldly chose to follow her dreams.
And in that case, perhaps ASAP Rocky could be a better fit.
I find it interesting that many that praised Rihanna for dating a billionaire are now challenging her now dating ASAP Rocky (while being a billionaire herself).
Perhaps all she wanted was a supportive significant other that she can be herself with.
Would it have been better for her to change herself in the name of love?
And would this ultimately make her happy?
Is that the life you wish to live? Ifso, you would consider her choice as “settling” – and there is nothing wrong with this conclusion. It is an opinion after all!
I encourage women to think deeply about their wants and needs when it comes to settling down, as in my experience: many women give up their life for a man and live a life filled with resentment and “what if’s”.
ClOSING EDIT: After posting this on Facebook I had people contact me with the impression that I am dodging Rihanna’s relationship.
The truth is, we do not know anything about the inner works of their relationship – it is all assumptions. If she did find love, I am happy for her! This post is not about her (man) or her relationship.
In my experience, being happy with yourself will be the ultimate key to a successful relationship with yourself and others. My passion is ultimately to help women have their emotional baggage together, be happy and have the tools to heal themselves so that no matter what happens – they are not dependant on another to feel “loved” and “appreciated”.
Hope this clarifies the intention of my post .
Light and love,

Hadiza Adetutu Atta
August 8, 2021I think Rihanna can do whatever it is she wants to do. It is her life not any of ours. If she chooses to date Asap rocky, as fans looking from the outside in, all we can do if we truly love her is support her decision and remember her in our prayers whenever we can. All women need love and support and the truth is it’s a lonely road the higher up you get, both in age and social standing. So if asap is giving her the love and support she needs at this time of her life then so be it. We don’t know the dynamics of their relationship hence we cannot have a say, we can only wish and hope for the best for her. Cheers
Alexis Glam - glamifest.com
August 8, 2021I could not agree more! Thanks for your comment x