Hello lovely!
In this blog post, I will give you 4 easy steps that you can implement right now to:
Let go of the past,
Let go of the hurt associated with your past of betrayal,
Access a relaxed state of joy and excitement of the women that you truly are, in your power, feeling confident.
First you can ask yourself the following question:
1. What am I attached to from my past experience of betrayal?

Take time to let this question sink in, relax and let the answers come to you.
Try not to focus on the person, the hurt or what actually happened.
Take time to silently observe WHAT you are currently still attached to from this experience of betrayal.
Many will answer that they feel emotionally attached to the pain related to what the person did.
This is perfectly fine, and remember; there is no wrong answer in this process.
Second question to ask is:
Who would I be without this attachment?
So, given the previous example of being “emotionally attached to the hurt caused by another”; you want to ask yourself again:
2. Who would I be without the emotional attachment to the hurt caused by another?

Let this question repeat a few times in your mind.
Who would you truly be without this attachment?
Feel the state of how you would feel if you were no longer attached to the hurt or your past of being hurt.
✨ How would you FEEL?
✨ How would you hold yourself
✨ How does your posture feel like?
✨ How would you body feel like?
✨ How would you see the world?
✨ How would you walk into a room?
✨ How would you speak? As in your voice.
I would recommend you to feel the answer to these questions deep in your psyche, and emody each answer.
When you are done with questions and taken the time to feel the answers to each question, the second question to ask while being in this state is:
3. If this is how I would feel without the attachment, how reasonable is it to hold onto it?

This is a a sobering question, as many of us go through life holding on firmly to our identity of being a victim that has been hurt and cannot move on without this anchored identity.
So, ask yourself again: How reasonable is it to hold onto this identity of the hurt and betrayed woman?
Especially if you have tasted the blissful state of being free from this attachment (see point 2 above).
Do not skip this question or answer it lightly…. let the question martinate and do not try to answer it rationally.
4. Is rationally holding onto past hurts not doing yourself a disservice?

I have had clients that try to justify all of the reasons why their anger, disappointments or feelings about the said betrayal are justified.
You see, I am not asking you to “downplay” what happened.
But, given that you know the law and the mirror concept which I teach; you understand how important it is to let go of the identification with the hurt caused to you.
Are you truly ready to let go of this identity?
Or does it feel safer to stay anger, justify why it is too scary to give someone else a chance?
Does it feel safer to assume the worst and starve yourself of the desires you so badly want to experience?
The biggest misunderstanding with this is that women that identify with hurt and betrayal have a higher probability of manifesting this into their reality again.
So, ask yourself again: Is rationally holding onto the hurt caused by my ex not doing myself a disservice?
If the answer is a resounding YES, filled with RELIEF – congratulations!
You have just started the process of letting go…
In my next blog post, I will be talking about starting the process of changing and how to succeed at letting go.
If you struggle with keeping a positive mindset, I have set up a FREE 7 day training that will help you detox your mind from negativity.
If you want to start your journey today, fill in this form to start working with me.
Light and love,

July 10, 2021This really resonated with me. Thank you for writing this, Lexi!