Hello ladies, I’m back in action with lots of content in the coming few weeks (yay!).
Let’s dive right into the topic of today.
What is ghosting (for those living under a rock)?
According to the Urban Dictionary, Ghosting is “When a person cuts off all communication with their friends or the person they’re dating, with zero warning or notice beforehand. You’ll mostly see them avoiding their friend’s phone calls, social media, and avoiding them in public.“
Ghosting can be incredibly painful and damaging to one’s ego.
I have worked with many clients who have dealt with this phenomena and come to me as a last resort to get back a ghosting ex.
This article will be different from most Law of Attraction Blogs, as my teachings go beyond the surface of simple “manifestation techniques.”
Let’s start with the most important question of all: “How do you feel about yourself?.”
Many of you might be confused by this question, as you are mostly focused on “them“.
You might be thinking “But Lexi, this is not about ME! It is about that F-boi who has the audacity to ghost ME!“.
Well, let’s take a step back there.
In my understanding of the law and the many successes I have booked with my clients, I always start with YOU.
Allow me to explain: one of the basic principles of the law that I teach is the “Mirror Concept“.
The mirror concept means to say that everyone (in your reality) will reflect your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs and assumptions about YOURSELF.
Therefore, if you find others ghosting you, my question to you is: “do you believe you are important?” “Do you truly believe that you are worthy of being a priority” “worthy of respect, love and admiration?“.
If these questions hit you hard, you shed a tear or feel anger... this is GOOD.
Your triggers tell you where work still needs to be done.
Being triggered, hurt or confused by questions like this creates AWARENESS, which is the first step towards change.
If you need help getting to that space of feeling worthy, loved and cherished – the good news is that the Glamifest 6 week mental bootcamp online course is now available at a low price if you use the coupon code “MINDSET” today.
You will also get access to the Inner Circle, with over a year’s worth of content, videos, articles, inspirational posts, challenges and much more!
Start the year off by joining the exclusive group of women in the Glamifest Inner Circle for FREE if you sign up today.
If funds are tight, feel free to check our resources section to get started with great content.
Sending you a big kiss, light and love.
Alexis Glam

What do you think?