Maybe right now your journey isn’t about finding love
Maybe your journey is now meant to be about you
Maybe you were meant to find yourself in the situations and people that let you down.
Maybe they can be that last straw that help you realize that you were not happy
That you no longer feel good walking on eggshells
That you no longer feel good being neglected
That you no longer feel good doubting yourself and your worth
Maybe your journey now is about realizing that
You want to be cherished
You want to feel loved
You want to feel SAFE with the person that you love
Maybe the journey is about being kind to yourself
To Step into your confidence
And to let your tears lead the way to you finding your inner happiness
You inner strength
Your inner confidence
And then, to find that relationship that will be the cherry on top
Where you no longer feel the need to prove yourself
Where you no longer feel neglected
Where you no longer feel unloved and a burden
Because you know that you are worthy of the deepest, most passionate love
And that you feel good giving this love to yourself every – single – day.
Much love,

What do you think?