This such a a great question! And you will be surprised at how common this question is. A lot of women (including me in the past) deal with this issue and are clueless as to what to do when a man pressured them for sex.
So, how can you confidently state your boundaries without feeling guilty or ashamed?
Here is my answer and recommendation, much love!:
Feel Your Truth
It is oh so important to FEEL your truth. First and foremost I advise all my clients to connect to HOW this man (or these men) pushing for boundaries make you feel.
Take a moment and ask yourself: How is this situation TRULY making you feel?
Is it anger? Is it sadness? Is it frustrated?
Really FEEL your truth.
And if if you dig deep and identify “unsafe” or “pressured”. that is great!
You are learning to understand the truth behind your feelings about a situation.
Acknowledge Your Feelings
If someone pressuring you for early sex feels pushy or unsafe, it is important to acknowledge that.
Acknowledging your true feelings about a situation helps you from backtracking or being ashamed of how the situation is making you feel.
I see this all the time, when a woman really likes a guy and wants to lock him down, she will bypass her true feelings with “logic”.
She says: Well, I really want to be with him, so if I avoid my feelings of discomfort I will at least get his attention.
The problem is that you are having sex to coerce him into liking you, which will harbor feelings of resentment when things don’t go your way.
But here is the catch: if you acknowledge your feelings, you are less likely to go against what your feelings are telling you.
This makes it easier for you to stick to your guns and to choose your comfort. It will also make it hard for a man to convince you you are a “prude”, as this would go against your comfort (yay: high value!).
Avoid Self Blame
In the past, whenever a guy pressured me for sex, it made me self conscious and upset.
I asked myself “Does he even take me seriously?” and “Does he really think that he can just have sex with me without investing in getting to know me!?“
All these thoughts and emotions made me loose my “good vibe” and make it all about me.
And it didn’t end there… I would eventually start doubting everything about myself:
😔 Am I classy enough?
😔 Did I wear clothes that were too revealing?
😔 Did I text in a particular way that made him see me as “a girl that has sex with everyone”?
These are all very common reaction that women have when a man asks for sex right away, and it can totally ruin your vibe.
It is important to note that their actions have nothing to do with you.
They are simply: their actions!
The meaning and the assumption that you give to their sexual interest is currently negative, but how if you could flip it around?
Flip it Around
Abusive men aside (not talking about them), a healthy man WILL be attracted to you sexually (this is normal), but it is up to us to make sure we communicate our needs or discomfort clearly.
Tell yourself: I am an attractive woman and that is OKAY.
A man is sexually attracted me, and that is OKAY.
I can guard my comfort by letting him know what I am comfortable with.
A healthy masculine man values a woman who can state her boundaries. Usually it makes these types of men fight harder to please you and make you feel at ease.
Toxic and abusive men on the other hand, not so much!
Communicate your Needs From a Place of Confidence
Here an idea for what you can say: Hi {Jason}, I am flattered and I am enjoying getting to know you. I don’t feel safe having sex at this point in our relationship.
OR: I feel pressured right now, and this does not feel good to me. (yay! SUPER high value).
This is a simple and easy way to communicate your boundaries.
Now the real problem I see with women that come to me, as that they feel like not having casual sex will have a man disengaged.
The truth is that an emotional connection works much better than “having sex in the hopes of him staying with you”.
This, coupled with confidence is a real man attractor. You will be like this strange mystical woman that he cannot help but feel drawn to .
The Feminine Blueprint to HIs Complete Adoration
If you do this with ALL men instead of getting angry and blocking them: you will be surprised how fast you find a man who is perfectly okay with your boundaries and is ready to give you the relationship that you want.
The work that I do goes really deep and is beyond dating strategies and “what to say to a man”.
I help women gain confidence and clarity for themselves so that they can easily find lasting love
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Much love,

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