#ASKALEXIS: My partner neglects me and treats me badly.. what can I do? I feel so low and unconfident.
Answer: First of all: I feel you and know that you are not alone. I get a lot of questions like this.
Taking my own situation and experience: my partner and his treatment of me was a direct reflection of my self worth.
I have learned that deep self knowledge of my true emotions is the only way out of situations and feelings of low self worth.
The path to “attracting” a partner that treats us well starts within ourselves.
Alexis Glam
Our partner is a direct reflection of how we truly feel about ourselves.
For example: if our partner neglects and hurts us, but we believe we crave him and this treatment – this is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves.
If this rings true: How are you currently neglecting yourself for your relationships?
Is it not interesting how he neglects you too?
And how can we expect to change this situation if (self) neglect is all that we are used to experiencing? Even before we met him?
And most probably also AFTER you perhaps let go of him and attract someone new who does exactly the same?
Leaving him will not change what is going on inside of you.
Your love blueprint will make you think that actions like overextending, walking on eggshells and working harder to proving your worth and letting him “see your value” will make you feel better.But is the true?
These actions are you running away from yourself and your true feelings (sadness).
You are the source of your liberation, but if this basic premise is rejected, you will forever be unhappy.
And continue blaming yourself and others without knowing a way out.
You might drop this guy and meet his exact copy in a different body and start to feel discouraged… and angry.You will start to believe that “love does not exist”.
But how can it exist if you do not even give it to yourself?
And there is no need to feel “bad” of “ashamed”.
No one is to “blame” for this, as oftentimes we don’t know better, neither do those so called “toxic” partners.
But if we take ownership of our role in this disfunction, extend compassion for the parts within us that feel afraid, sad and abandoned.. we will start to see the light and accept ourselves as we are.
When you can accept yourself and love even the darkest sides of you and your past “mistakes”, you will immediately find many who are attracted to us as we are.
Love becomes EASY.
Instead of attracting bad men like clockwork you will start to attract great men.And when we start to no longer neglect ourselves, we will attract those who are absolutely crazy about us (in a good way!).
If we do not love ourselves and seek hurt to avoid the truth, we will keep finding people who hurt us and do not make us comfortable enough to be who we truly are.
The key lies within you, not outside..
Once this is grasped.. your progress can skyrocket overnight.
I know this, because I’ve been in your shoes and found a way out of this cycle of unhappiness. If you need a proven system to get there, I am here shoot me a DM or voice clip to see if I can help you.
Photo credit: Danie Franco

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