Yesterday client asked me “How she can SPOT a High Value Man“, so I thought to share this golden info with you today..
So what are the 3 things you should know about attracting high value man?
#1: He Dates With a Purpose
A high value man dates with a purpose, as his time is valuable. He does not have the desire or need to string women along that will not be a part of his life.
A man who has a stable career and life plan spends his time wisely. This means that, if he likes you, he will invest time in you and make sure that he stays on your radar.
An unpopular opinion: A man can be high value even if he rejects you. As a high value WOMAN, this will make no difference to your sense of self worth, as you appreciate his honesty – so that you can focus on those men that you ARE a match with.
#2: He Makes His Intentions Clear
When dating a man with a purpose, there is no need exert effort to figure out his intentions.
A high value man knows exactly what he wants and has no problem making this clear through his actions and words.
This means that he will (usually) make it known after a few dates that he is dating with the purpose of exclusively dating you at some point. A high value man might take a bit more time to get to know someone before making promises or setting fake expectations that will lead you on to believe that he is into you while he is not.
#3 He Has Worked Through (most of) His Baggage
A High Value Man prioritizes his mental health and healing his past baggage because he wants to be in a position to step into a relationship with the ability to open up to the right woman without fear.
He does not expect a woman to “fix” him, and takes responsibility for this himself.
Once he gets to know you well, he might share stories of past baggage, but not to burden you – but rather as a form of intimate connection with a woman that he can see a long term future with.
What do you think?
Are there any other points I missed? And, do you think these points make a high value man?
Let me know in the comment section below.
And if you keep meeting emotionally unavailable, low value men and want to change this at rapid speed, reach out me ASAP to see how we can work together.
Light and love – always,

What do you think?