There is this constant talk about “feminine” and “masculine” energy.
For me, neither really matter when it comes to getting what you want.
Before you close this article in an attempt to justify your opinion, I ask of you to have an open mind.
Why should you even read this if you already disagree?
Because what I am about to tell you will save you years in trying to perfect the “outer” and faking the “inner” causes to get what you want.
The reality is that, a highly masculine woman can be more successful to a seemingly “feminine woman”.
How can a highly masculine and seemingly “messy” woman be more successful?
The answer is not to be found in “feminine” vs “masculine” energy.
In my years of working with women reprogramming their subconscious mind, I noticed a trend in women adopting “feminine energy” tactics.
They adopt leaning back, wearing pink floral dresses and not texting a man back.
All which are absolutely fine (do not get me wrong).
What seems to be a real problem is when a woman is pretending to be “feminine”, but on the inside she is resentful, anxious and in her “chasing energy”.
What is this “chasing energy”?
This chasing energy can be defined in a woman ACTING like she is okay, but on the inside she is not.
She looks great, she smells great, speaks softly and elegantly… but on the inside she is a volcano – on the brink of eruption.
This volcano is covered by pretending to be okay, leaning back and in her “feminine energy”.
Having worked with women battling this problem, many find it hard to believe that; all of the external work is actually working against them.
What happens is, these women become obsessed with tweaking and perfecting their walk, talk, hair and dressing style while doing slim to no work on their inner being.
Does this mean that you should completely disregard your looks?
Not at all – this is again an Ego response, so that the essence of my message falls on deaf ears.
So what is it? What is the golden key?
The golden key is that you cannot “get” what you want while being in your chasing and desperate energy.
No matter how many changes you make to your looks, your hair, your body, your walk, your talk; you will not get lasting sustainable results on the long run.
The clients that refuse to do the real inner work are those that manifest a husband using my techniques.
But they end up being even more desperate to keep him once married.. ultimately losing him and her mental health in the process.
If this post rings true to your soul, this is a loving reminder for you to create awareness surrounding your state of being.
Are you in a state of “chasing”, “anxiety” and “desperation“?
If you recognize the feeling of being a bubbling volcano, walking on eggshells and changing your whole persona; only to fail at every single attempt; the answer lies in digging deeper and doing the inner work.
Changing your state of being is the effortless way to manifest not only your dream relationship, but most importantly; a real sense of self love and confidence.
If you need help resolving this inner conflict, want to become radiantly magnetic and learn to love yourself and put yourself first, feel free to reach out to me.
Sending you light and love,
Alexis Glam

What do you think?