Whenever I talk about emotional independence, I get misunderstood.
Oftentimes ladies turn to me and say: “Yass sis, exactly that! F&çk those men! We don’t need them“.
If this was your first reaction reading this title, read on!
You see, claiming emotional independence while STILL basing it on how someone else treats you is not what this is about.
Real emotional independence is cannot be faked or a reaction to someone doing you wrong.
So what is this emotional independence?
Emotional independence as understood by Alexis Glam means that you first of all understand that all human (3D) concept of self esteem is not sustainable.
This means that the dependency on external factors to validate your self esteem is short lived and therefore unsustainable on the long run.
Why clinging on to external validation is dangerous
Because your self esteem is then based on Ego INFLATION and DEFLATION.
This means that, if you leave your self esteem based on the perception of the ego, you are destined to fail or get hurt at some point.
True esteem comes from recognizing your true identity, and that is not that of the puppet – but the puppet master.
For as long as you adhere to the human definition of self esteem, you will stay in the domain of the ego.
How about when you compare yourself to others often?
Self esteem based on your comparison to others is another crafty way that the Ego keeps its veil of deception upon your eyes.
Example: if you find yourself feeling good only when you are praised for your work, especially because you are better than others you are relying on and basking in the drug of external validation.
The true cost and danger of external validation
The danger with this is that; when you are not externally validated (due to your subconscious thoughts externalized), you will fall into an emotional ditch.
Many will say that this is not true, that you do not care for validation… but I urge you to truly ask yourself this:
Is it not the case that I value the validation of specific people above others?
Now, what if these same people completely invalidate you or your work, call you names and tarnish your name… are you able to keep your cool?
Can you sit there, unaffected about your worth and without anger? This is how the Ego plays the game of hypnotism.
Before you know it, a small remark from a total stranger can make you further doubt your”Self”.
But, what if this self could not be doubted?
That is, if you truly remembered who you are; this would all not affect you.
It is the process of remembering and therefore activating all of your desires and blessings to come about effortlessly and without the use of a 1000 techniques.
So, in order for you to become emotionally independent your self confidence has to come from remembering who you truly are.
From that power, no one can cause you to doubt yourself, hate yourself or sabotage yourself.
I promise 💖
Light and love,
Alexis Glam
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
Also, if you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?