Whew, this topic has been long overdue.
This is quite the title, huh? Well get read and read on….
Today I am writing about a familiar cause and effect that happens when women get hurt.
I am talking about those who swing from one extreme to the other in dating, love and relationships.
You see, hurt people tend to hurt others. And this never-ending cycle is often misunderstood.
If it was not for level-up community, I would not started my search for self love.
In fact, my search for self love started when my self confidence was at an all time low.
I still remember being in college, disappointed with in men, roaming on youtube; bored.
This is when I discovered SheraSeven and her long list of Youtube videos, there was one video in particular that did it for me.
I still remember when SheRa Seven made a video titled “Nice girls finish last“.
After watching this video, I was convinced that I needed to become a bitch to be respected.
At the time she sounded like she would be my savior.
If I would only copy Shera, I would be able to replicate being a “high value woman”. The type of woman that men put first, spoiled and chased!
The more I listened to her, joined several groups and forums, the more I turned into the opposite of a pick me: a cold hard woman.
A cold hard B%&çh was born
This cold version of me was created as a disguise and a defense from all those times when I was disappointed.
I wanted to make men pay and decided that it is always better to hurt instead of being hurt.
Hard Lexi was tough, demanding and inflexible on the outside; but what about the inside?
On the inside I was equally miserable, if not more.
My tough exterior and mannerisms got me short lived results, because deep down inside I was still wounded.
Realizing that the perfect exterior and mannerisms and strategies felt “off”, I slowly started seeking my answers by doing the inner work.
In my search, I noticed something peculiar….. the more inner work I did, the more I could relax.
At one point I could no longer relate to the posts venting about having to control outcomes, set a million rules and hoops for people to jump through.
What if I needed no hoops, strategies and tricks?
What if you could, trough your intuition and real sense of self worth, easily attract the best while repelling the worst?
This is what I discovered.
As I grew into this realization, I realized that I could no longer coach those who believed in excessive control, strategies and tricks to get what they want.
Agreeing to this would mean that I would be sending women down the same path I have already discovered. A path that leaves you depleted, obsessively thinking, scheming and conniving.
I saw in my own life that the quality of my relationships improved while my efforts were non existent.
The real truth is that your true self is a much more relaxed version of who you are showing up as right now.
Who are you underneath all that hurt and defensiveness?
Your true self emanates an energy of confidence that is not toxic or demanding to be bowed down to.
Confidence attracts without effort all that you need.
So, to those of you who might resonate with this message, feel depleted and tired of doing a million things only to end up unhappy, you are free to DM me.
For those who still believe that excessive force is required to get what you want, this is also fine.
Just know that there is a way out.
Sending you light and love.
Alexis Glam

What do you think?