Just yesterday I was shocked to find out that one of the spiritual teachers (or “respected” guru) I enjoyed listening to was accused of sexual harassment.
This is what ultimately led me to write my post of today.
A guru is a person with “knowledge or expertise“.
Gurus can be found in lifestyle, fashion, fitness, food, dating, career and any other category possible.
I see this becoming prevalent in this day and age, where we are ever connected to everyone and everything.
We find ourselves “connecting” with people who we may have not been able to connect to only a few decades ago.
People today feel like influencers, actors, artists and boy bands are just a comment or like away.
People find themselves becoming obsessed with the idols, as they seemingly fill a void within us.
Distracted by our focus on their lives, we live our lives by copying their ideologies, diets, mannerisms, style and more.
Especially the sector of spirituality and self help attracts people who are seeking to be desperately liberated from emotional suffering.
Victims can be so emotionally damaged and desperate that they will look up to any guru that promises to fill that void.
What is this void?
The void appears to be that painful feeling that something is missing in your life.
And the guru can always seem to be the bridge to help you fill that gap.
Only a few, after hopping from guru to guru; finally come to the realization that these gurus are but another person (just like you).
People of flesh and blood that are full of faults, weaknesses and sins.
Gurus CAN be a bridge towards your self realization, but self realization means you yourself are to find your truth within yourself.
This, instead of being heavily dependent on external knowledge.
Those who work with me can attest that I strongly encourage my students to THINK and dig deep within themselves to find their truths.
The filling of this void can only be realized by you, and not be realized trough any external source.
The danger with being dependent on the guru, is that it can leave you in the dark; full of doubt, vulnerable and unfulfilled.
This dependance on them will keep you participating in a 1,000 courses, coaching sessions, binge watch youtube videos and read several books while still getting no where.
After finding one guru who sounds like he / she has all of the answers to their problems, many grow angry when they realize that their problems remain the same.
heir admiration turns into a special type of hate that can easily turn quite toxic.
Instead of being angry at the guru; turn to the source of eternal knowledge within.
The source of all truths can only be accessed when you work on silencing your Ego mind.
Do you not think that it is time to stop having your life dictated by external sources?
The choice is yours, there is a way out… start today.
Perfection can only be found by realizing your true self…
Not the idolization of someone who you might believe holds the key to librate you.
Time to liberate yourself and access your divine power within, which was always there.
Light and love.
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
If you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?