Hello ladies, I’m back!
You might be asking yourself what happened to the blog?
Well, let’s just say that it has been a hectic few months.
Several bootcamps and a fabulous online course later, I am finally able to sit and down and do what I love.. write!
Today I will take a moment to write about “the danger of competition” and how it actually hurts your manifestations.
At first glance, many of us would not openly agree that we are to some degree, competitive.
When you hear the word “Ego”, many think of egotistical people that everyone “hates”…yet there is this shadow side in all of us.
What does this mean?
There is a voice in your head that thrives off you comparing yourself to others.
It either tells you that you are not good enough or tells you that you are good enough, but you have to watch out… because this blessing might just as easily be lost or taken away.
As a result anything and anyone that is a threat to your sense of worth; you either attack (in your thoughts) or in your reality.
The result is a never-ending hamster wheel that we can never seem to escape, tired and depleted.
You might feel exhausted from alternating between being happy and being sad.
As young women we become obsessed comparing ourselves to others, which is now being fueled by social media.
Many clients explain to me how they are drawn to my brand to “manifest that influencer lifestyle“.
They are just as surprised when I tell them that I have worked with influencer clients who are seemingly ‘living the life”, while on the brink of depression.
Then what is the answer, Lexi?
Some tell me it is easier to cry while being admired by many, yet in my experience it is these people who often feel the loneliest.
What does this have to do with competition?
Well, I am here to help you see (slowly) that toxic competition is actually keeping you from achieving your true potential.
Toxic competition means that you are so focussed on what others are doing, copying, replicating while having no ideas or voice of your own.
I see this often with those wanting to manifest a life like XX person or an item or type of partner that they see others have because they assume this is what happiness and perfection looks like.
Toxic competition, fueled by our Egos will leave us depleted and confused.
If you are someone who envies others and/or constantly are focussed on your neighbor’s grass being greener, you fail to make space for your true potential.
Your true potential can be a beautiful garden full of the most beautiful exotic flowers, yet you are fixated on a garden with a few generic roses, because that is all you believe is possible for you.
Your true potential can only come to you from your inner voice of intuition, when you get rid of this “seeking hypnosis” and start connecting with you inner power and natural guidance system.
This natural guidance system is activated once you access a specific state of being by getting out of a mind filled with meaningless obsessive thoughts.
This state can be best described as the state you accessed when you were last truly happy.
Remember when you were last truly happy?
Were you preoccupied with someone else’s grass? Or were you busy enjoying your life in the moment?
In this state there are no obsessive thoughts, worries and anxiety.
It is in this state that you will find and attain your deepest and truest desire, without being anxious about losing them.
That is what I call accessing your divine confidence.
What if you could access this state at will?
When you access this state, you are radiantly magnetic, relaxed and manifesting is effortless and second nature.
You are not that woman who uses 10,000 techniques to “get stuff”, you learn to keep access to this state, and navigate life while “manifesting” effortlessly.
My upcoming posts will discuss the attainment of this state, and how you can navigate life from this principle.
Say goodbye to desperate manifesting, fueled by anxiety, fear and lack.
This, my dear.. is your divine right, and my hope is that this blog will help ignite the spark to get you get there.
Light and love,

What do you think?