I know many of you do not find Kim “elegant” or a “role model”, yet I am writing this article based on recent posts that have been circulating surrounding her family.
Many call her and her family “witches”, but she recently confided in an interview that she uses the law of attraction.
I can certainly respect a woman who:
1. Instead of being a victim of a terrible incident (leaking of a s*x tape), persevered and cleaned up her “image”.
2. Became a lawyer and is using her influence to help those less fortunate
3. Even after a failed marriage and a broken heart, she manifested her husband Kanye who completely adores her & a big lovely family.
4. Built an empire, and now, her (also manifesting) husband Kanye is planning to run for president.
Pop culture and society love to laugh at them, right?
But the thing that they fail to understand is:
1. these people take inspired action instead of sitting behind social media, laughing at others.
2. they are going for what they believe in, regardless of ridicule.
3. they are not asking for anyone’s permission and are not swayed by public opinion.
So back to the original question, is she using “magic”?
My answer is yes and no.
Stick with me here….

So, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, magic can be defined as “an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source”.
In my understanding, it makes absolute sense that those that are unaware of the power within them would immediately classify her “extraordinary power” as magick.
How else can (especially a woman) exert so much power or influence over her reality?
Surely it has to come from somewhere “mystical” and “an outside force”.
Some even go as far as to say that this force has to be “evil, dark” and that she most probably “sold her soul” to get what she wanted.
I am here to tell you that your speculation and opinion surrounding her use of “dark evil magick” will only further solidify your assumptions surrounding YOU being able to achieve your dreams.
What does this have to do with me, you ask?
It has everything to do with you.
The clue here is that you are in charge of YOUR reality, not Kim’s reality.
Therefore, if we look at the law of assumption: you are assuming that a lucky or successful woman has to have “extraordinary ability or influence seemingly from a supernatural external and evil source” to make it in life.
Where does this leave you?
I am assuming that you wouldn’t want to use any “supernatural external and evil source”.
So what options do you have?
You can choose to tap into the source (of light and good) that (perhaps) still lies dormant within you.
When you realize the power that you have within, you understand that there is nothing “evil or dark” about this powerful supernatural force within you unless you assume it to be.
This power is the extension “to” your IAM, your higher self, who; in my experience only wants GOOD for you.
I implore you to really think of the assumptions you are making surrounding other (wo)men and success.
Do you classify them as evil witches?
Or are you willing to look beyond this and try to find ways for YOU to reclaim your power and manifest the life that you know you deserve?
I leave you with this thought.
Light and love,
Alexis G.

What do you think?