One golden rule and immediate difference is that at Glamifest your Dream Life, we have recently decided to make it a “relationship advice free zone”.
Especially when it comes to the Glamifest Facebook Support Group, I realize that it is super tempting to give advice from OUR perspective and reality.
I also realize that we might forget from time to time (as we are all human).
The goal of this post is to clarify why exactly I have decided to make a relationship advice free zone.
There are enough groups for women who seek “relationship advice“.
The difference with Glamifest is that we apply the law to the T.
We realize and fully understand that YOU and only YOU are in charge of your reality and that you can accept and assume whichever relationship rules you deem appropriate.

Let me try to illustrate the difference with several examples:
Question: “I have been manifesting my ex back after he did this and this. Is it possible to revise this?”
Bad answer: Leave the man alone and find someone else! He does NOT deserve you, sis!
Bad answer 2: Apply the Rules and dating strategies / don’t react or text back – wait 5 hours / seduce him properly! / dye your hair blonde, your roots are showing / men are scum anyways / block him!
Why is this bad advice? Is this not common sense, Alexis?
You must understand that this is your common sense based on YOUR reality.
The OP did not ask for an opinion on her relationship – she asked for advice on how to manifest a better outcome through applying the LAW.
Next to advice in applying the LAW, it is okay to give encouragement and advice / materials that help her get in a state of confidence and lighter heart.
But isn’t this avoiding the problem, Alexis?

Not really. Hear me out here…
The world is full of triggers and reminders of negative things happening and we oftentimes cannot escape it.
At and in our Facebook Support Groups, I want it to be a safe and projection-free space to understand and FULLY apply the law and create alternative realities.
An alternative reality can only be created by yourself, and the last thing you need is someone telling you what you CAN or CANNOT do based on THEIR negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and assumptions.
It does not matter if your opinion is backed up by any statistics.
Madam CJ Walker surely also had many people tell her that being a WoC without a certain “look” was reason enough for her to give up her dreams of becoming a haircare pioneer and surely NOT the FIRST FEMALE MILLIONAIRE. against ALL ODDS.
And I guess Grimes, who is the opposite of all modern poise and beauty standards must’ve made her own reality where she was worthy of being the partner of one of the most powerful men in the US?
See how other people’s opinions can actually hold you back from dreaming big?
Here we want to focus on the law, allow everyone to dream big and create their OWN reality, which might not make sense to everyone.
The beauty of the law is that common sense, public opinion and statistics DO NOT MATTER, as you set your own rules.
Being a Glamifesting dive you choose to create our OWN reality!
On another note: by commenting your negative / limiting beliefs you can also end up hurting yourself in the process.
You bring more of HER current issues into YOUR reality by (un)consciously accepting or solidifying negative seeds over and over again.
She may just be on the verge of finally revising her beliefs that something can manifest and you comment (even if well meant), will set her back in thought of limiting beliefs, anxiety and fear.
Hope it clears up the difference!
Again, this is not directed to any one person or post.
It is simply a reminder to make sure we all benefit from this group as it was intended.
We are in the process of recording our very first Glamifest Online Course!
Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date on all developments.
I believe in your abilities, now it is time for you to believe in YOURSELF.
Light and love always,
Alexis Glam

What do you think?