Specific Person (SP) manifestations are the focus of many women in the Glamifest your Dream Life Facebook Group.
I would say that at least 75% of my clients come to me with SP-related questions.
Usually, the questions I get are as follows:
- How do I get my ex back?
- Can I get someone back if they blocked me everywhere?
- Is it too late to get him back?
- What if he blocked me 6 months ago?
- What if he doesn’t know me well enough?
- What if my crazy behavior scared him off?
- What if he found someone else already?
The answer to all of these questions is – it all depends on your (un)conscious Beliefs and Assumptions.
If you want to understand how to successfully tackle your Beliefs and Assumptions and manifest your SP, and join to Glamifest Inner Circle, feel free to drop me an email at hello@blog.glamifest.com
“The revised imaginal structure may have a great influence on others“
Neville Goddard – The Law and the Promise Chapter 3
The following story from Neville Goddard will give you an example of how effortless SP manifestations can be.
No, it does not matter if you’ve only seen him once and lost contact.
If you apply the law as intended – the outcome is always the same.
The Wish Fulfilled – From Stranger to Husband
The story from a woman who attended Neville’s lectures is documented in the book “The Law and the Promise”, available in the Neville Goddard reader:
Last August, while on a ‘blind date’ I met the man I wanted to marry. This happens sometimes, and it happened to me.
He was everything I had ever thought of as desirable in a husband.
Two days after this enchanted evening, it was necessary for me to change my place of residence because of my work, and that same week the mutual friend who had introduced me to this man, moved away from the city.
I realized that the man I had met probably did not know of my new address, and frankly, I was not sure he knew my name.
After your last lecture, I spoke to you of this situation.
Although I had plenty of other ‘dates’ I could not forget this one man. Your lecture was based on revising our day; and after speaking to you, I determined to revise my day, every day.

What did she do?
Before going to sleep that night, I felt I was in a different bed, in my own home, as a married woman — and not as a single working girl, sharing an apartment with three other girls.
I twisted an imaginary wedding band on my imaginary left hand, saying over and over to myself, ‘This is wonderful! I really am Mrs. J.E.!‘ and I fell asleep in what was — a moment before — a waking dream.
“I repeated this imaginary scene for one month, night after night.
The first week in October he ‘found’ her.
On our second date, I knew my dreams were rightly placed.
Neville’s teaching tells us to live in the end of our desire until that desire becomes ‘fact’ so although I did not know how he felt toward me, I continued, night after night, living in the feeling of my dream realized.
Her Dream Became a Reality
The results?
In November he proposed.
In January we announced our engagement; and the following May we were married.
The loveliest part of it all, however, is that I am happier than I ever dreamed possible; and I know in my heart, he is too.”
…Mrs. J.E.
Can YOU do the same?
The answer is “Absolutely“.
Mrs. J.E. remained in the state of the wish fulfilled and persisted until her wish became a reality.
In the end, she was happily married to the man of her dreams, even if this man had no way to contact her yet alone take her on a date and propose to her.
Distance and Circumstances do NOT matter
If you want to learn how to manifest step by step, check out this video where I explain how you can use the law to become the next Mrs. J.E.
If you want to get your results quickly and get guidance along the way, contact us or fill in our contact form to see if I can help you manifest your SP.

April 11, 2020Beautiful Testimony
Lexi Glam
April 11, 2020Absolutely <3
April 28, 2020This is so inspiring! I love this story. Every time I read it I am reminded how affective consistent passion truly can be in manifestation. Thank you Lexi
April 28, 2020This is so inspiring! I love this story. Every time I read it I am reminded how affective consistent passion truly can be in manifestation. Thank you Lexi