As a group full of women, there are certain topics that keep coming up – and seem to have a lot of solutions and opinions.
In this article I hope to explain how YOU play a role in the rejection you are experiencing in your life.
Yes, that is right.
You hold the power to ACCEPT or REJECT the rejection (pun intended) you are currently experiencing.
What are you creating?
What is your “current” reality?
What story are you telling yourself and others?
Would it be….
– He never calls me
– He doesn’t care about my feelings
– He doesn’t want to be with me
– He doesn’t want to be in a relationship
– A catch like him couldn’t possible be serious with me
You talk to your girlfriends and complain some more about how he is (doing) all of the aforementioned.
You react to it every single time – with emotions, anger, frustration…. further ingraining these beliefs into your subconscious.

And guess what?
Here is what will happen…
Your subconscious accepts the story and will keep showing you over and over again and show you why you are RIGHT.
If you say, feel and deeply believe you are unworthy of (his) affection – he will treat you as such.
Everything and everyone around you is a mirror.
Try and think of your past relationships and how fear play a role in your life as a mirror.
Notice how as soon as you start focusing on the parts that lack in your relationship – you manifest more and more of the discontent?
What can you do?
You ASSUME differently.
Let’s go to the above list we just looked at and see how we can revise your old beliefs to new ones:
– He never calls me —-> I am a priority
– He doesn’t care about my feelings —-> I am important
– He doesn’t want to be with me —-> I am wanted
– He doesn’t want to be in a relationship —-> I am relationship material
– A catch like him couldn’t possible be serious with me —-> I am worthy of commitment
See how I revised the negative beliefs in positive I AM statements?
The truth is, this isn’t about him, it is all about YOU.
If YOU feel unworthy, unwanted, unloved – this will keep showing up in your life.
As discussed in our last wonderful reader submission article, it all starts with taking responsibility and stepping out of the role of being a victim.
The key is to recognize who you are.
That is: YOU ARE your higher self / the Universe / God and nothing is impossible to you if you think and act from this state.
See above statements and embody that state RIGHT NOW.
Ready for change?
Tune in to the Glamifest your Dream Life Facebook Group to join our latest challenge where you will learn how to apply this in real life.
If you want immediate help, feel free to contact us.
Love and light always.
xoxo Lexi

April 9, 2020Amen!
Lexi Glam
April 11, 2020😀 Louder for those in the back