Manifesting to become a celebrity personal trainer, being featured in many magazines and tv shows? All that with a notable clientele list of Victoria’s Secret models?
The following success Law of Attraction success story certainly captivated my attention. Mohamed Elzomor‘s story Law of Attraction Success Story is one that is sure to inspire you to dream big.
In his story, he mentions that it’s almost impossible to relate with the person he used to be prior to reading and implementing The Secret. Keep on reading to find out how Mohammed went from a shadow existence to that of success, glitz and glam.
Broke, Debt and Low Confidence
My story started in 2005, where I was 19 years old and still living at home with my parents. At this time, I was broke, in debt, had no job and having gotten kicked out of college; I hit a new low. All in all, I was feeling very depressed when a friend of mine gave me The Secret to read.
At first glance, I thought it sounded ridiculous. So, I put the book up in my bookshelf and basically refused to read it. A few months passed and my life was accelerating in a downward spiral.
Finally giving in…
I finally decided to open The Secret back up and read the whole thing. Multiple times. Over and over again.
In fact, I carried The Secret everywhere I went and I read the parts I needed to read, over and over and over.
Prior to being fired, I worked as a personal trainer at a NYSC in Queens, New York City. Having been unemployed and kicked out of college for nearly two years, at that point I decided to make a change.
Defining the goal
My goal was to become one of the most sought out trainers in the country. I decided that I was going to train Fortune 500 CEOs, celebrities, billionaires and royalty. I was set and determined to use the law of attraction to become a celebrity personal trainer. My friends all thought I has lost my mind.
Following the directions of the book to the T, I set lofty goals and believed in them as whole heartedly as I could.
Even though I had thousands of dollars in debt and had no job at the time, I believed that I would one day go back to school and get my degree and also become a super, successful trainer.
Anything is possible
Today, I am proud to say that I have accomplished all of the above. My successes are amongst others; features in Vogue, People, New York Post, CBS, Fox, Self, Men’s Health, CNBC, Viceland and many others shows and magazines.
Lastly, I also got my Bachelors in Economics with a 3.7 GPA. Although I am super grateful and happy with where I am, my desire and motivation for more has never been stronger.
Mastering the mind
Through fitness I have been able to teach my clients the importance of mastering your mind. Your body will always follow suit. The power of visualization, combined with desire, persistence, tenacity, gratitude, and love, they are the recipe that allows you to live the life of your dreams.
Fitness is a beautiful way of exploring just how strong your will can really be and how possible it is to attain something if you really want it bad enough. My real goal in life is to share this message with the world, in hopes of changing their lives the way The Secret and the Law of Attraction has changed mine.
Success beyond my wildest dreams
Now I make an incredible amount of money, get to train people who are normally incredibly hard to get a hold of, travel the world on private jets and most importantly, get to come home to my beautiful wife, Julia, and my baby daughter, Leia.
Once you’ve mastered manifesting, you can, and should apply it to every aspect of your life! You’re meant to grow in this lifetime, make the most of every day and get after those dreams!
I hope this story helps you to see that anything is possible with the Law of Attraction. No mater what your situation is, you can reverse it with the power of your thoughts and intention.
Keep an eye on the blog this week, as we will be posting several more success stories and techniques that you can apply to master the law of attraction.
Discuss your own success stories by joining our Glamifest Your Dream Life Facebook Group today!

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