TRIGGER WARNING: An open letter the closed off woman who believes all men are trash.
I oftentimes come across women who feel that those who do not resonate with your goals need to be met with extreme hostility, blocking and telling off.
You might see every “bad match” as a way to prove to yourself that “men are trash” and “cannot be relied upon”.
When you are easily distracted and triggered by the bad apples, and pay so much energetic attention to what a bad apple says or does (even after you block him)…
Is it not going to be hard to see and experience the “good apples”?
If you constantly get contaminated by the “bad apples”, at some point even “good apples” will seem suspicious.
Dating becomes a battle field in which you armor up and are on high alert at all times.
Someone who is on your side is easily mistaken as the enemy.
An innocent joke by a man can set off a bomb.
A small mistake will make you enraged.
A man not making any mistakes might even make you enraged when you tell yourself “he is too good to be true“.
Coming from someone who had an emotional armor that would make the US army jealous (lol), I learned this the hard way.
My armor and focus on the “bad apples” and overall mistrust in men made it hard for me truly see the ones that were right for me.
That is why I now specialize in helping women safely put down their armor, step into their softness and form an emotional connection with men who are SAFE and LOVING.
You don’t have to settle.
A woman who puts herself first, but at the same time is able to be “open” and “inviting” is the most magnetic force on this planet .
It is the recipe that attracts and keeps the good apples.
I know this post will not make me popular among those who disagree..
SHIT, a post like this would have REALLY triggered old Alexis.
But if this post helps just ONE woman to see beyond her triggers, it is worth it .
To your juiciest love life,

What do you think?