Today, a short note that will help you realize how the Ego works.
The Ego either attacks or wallows in guilt.
Oftentimes we life in a cycle of attacking and feeling sorry for ourselves for being attacked.
It is a false premise that attacking is better than being attacked, as both are tools used by the Ego to further the lie of separation.
What I realized that, given the mirror principle; if we start to heal ourselves instead of attacking and feeling guilty, we will slowly start to see a reality unfold that is beyond our wildest dreams.
Today, take this a reminder to ask yourself this: am I attacking so that I am not struck first or choosing to feel guilty so that I can point fingers at others being the reason why everything is not working out in my life?
This is a hard question to answer, but it will help you start to access the state that I call the “garden of Eden”.
In this state, you give no attention to thoughts of attacking or thoughts of being attacked.
In this state you realize that you are and have always been guiltless, as you are not at fault for the works of the Ego.
Your only job is to tune out your Ego mind and connect more to your real identity, the Infinite power of love that corrects all wrongs.
This might seem like wishful thinking, but I urge you to ask yourself the following: If the world is my reflection, why do I think that holding onto thoughts of hating others will bring me love? How can I think that attacking others out of fear of being attacked first will bring me peace?
Light and love always,
Alexis Glam

What do you think?