Now where were we?
In the previous article titled “How to STOP chasing unattainable love“, I explained how most of what we consider to be “love” is actually conditional.
This means that this love is only valid for as long as the counter-party fulfills the conditions for “love”.
We also looked at how many women can subconsciously be looking for this unconditional love in their relationships.
The problem with seeking “unconditional love” in relationships is that it leaves us extremely vulnerable to those who misuse of our search for this “love”.
Many women end up over-giving, over-accomodating and accepting bad treatment in the hope of finally attaining and/or being worthy of this unconditional love.
Now to the golden question “how to attract unconditional love“?
This post has been heavily discussed in the Glamifest Facebook Group and many of you have already started to think in the right direction.
Is not all human love conditional?
Most of human love is conditional, yes.
Some might argue that the love of a mother is unconditional, but even that can be disputed.
The same mother who claims to love her child unconditionally might disown her for using drugs, making mistakes or marrying someone outside of her religious background.
We can therefore rest assured that most “human love” is indeed conditional and highly transactional.
If a mother’s love is also conditional, then what is “love”, Lexi?
Good question, but in order to answer this; allow me to ask you this:
If we understand that unconditional love is almost not possible on a human level, then why do we keep seeking it in human interactions?
And if human love is not love, where the hell is it?
This love exists within you.
If love exists within me, how can it be that I am not feeling it right in this moment, Lexi?
Another good question!
Why can you not feel it?
Again, I answer your question with another question: go back to the time where you were TRULY happy, carefee, magnetic and loving.
Where were your thoughts?
Most probably your obsessive thought were not there.
Were you overthinking, self critiziing, critsizing others, hating, having imaginary fights in your mind?
Most probably not.
Think back on all the other moments in life where things were going well, you were on a roll and you felt on top of the world…
Was it not the same then as well?
Well wait a minute, Lexi… are you saying that…
Yes, exactly that.
This unconditional love that you might be seeking in relationships, special treatment from a man or validation from a man, a group of friends or your family can be found within yourself.
By getting rid of that voice that is currently keeping you from accessing that state of being in which you are radiating, loving and magnetic.
Think about those moments again….
I will leave you with that thought.
How would your life be if you could be in that happy, radiant and magntic state at all times?
Taking into account the mirror principle, do you have an idea of how much your life will change?
Imagine no longer obsessively seeking for love and being able to give this to yourself, 24/7?
Look out for the next blog posts, where we will dive deeper into this.
I promise you that there is a way out.
Light and love,
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
Also, if you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?