Hello lovelies, I am truly on a roll this week!
After finishing my last group of the Glamifest Love Bootcamp students, I can finally get back at writing again (yay!).
Today I had an interesting conversation with a close friend.
He told me that he was sad that his long term girlfriend, a relationship that he invested several years to, giving so much; ended up in a familiar way.
She blocked him everywhere.
So, she basically ghosted him without prior notice.
Even if this happened a few months ago, he still feels devastated to this day.
He asked me “Lexi, I do not understand! How can it end like this after so many beautful moments shared together?“.
My answer surprised him: “Well, this is because she gave you conditional love“.
You see, most of all “human” love is conditional.
This means that the love (most) people give comes with conditions.
Whatever her conditions were, it seems like he no longer fit those conditions and she therefore stopped “loving” him as she used to.
The real question here is: Was this even “true love” to begin with.
Was this even “true love” to begin with?
What most of us consider to be love is actually a form of possession.
A type of possession for which we promise the illusion of love up to the point that our personal conditions are met.
Then, if most love is not love.. what is?
If conditional love is not true love, what is unconditional love?
Unconditional love is a love that permeates no matter what conditions and met or not.
You may be telling yourself that this is impossible to do, but hear me out.
The reason why so many women are chasing love so hard these days, is because they crave this unconditional love.
Who doesn’t want to be loved for who they are 100%?
Be loved no matter how ugly your hair looks in the morning, how moody you are or how much “weight” you gain.
We crave this love so much that we subconsciously accept bad treatment, hoping to at least get a taste of this “love”.
You might be asking now: how do I attract unconditional love?
I will explain this in part 2 of this article here <3 read on….
Light and love,
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
Also, if you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?