Today I was asked by a dear student to explain “How to truly Surrender“.
What does it mean to “surrender”?
According to the Mirriam Webster dictionary, surrender can be describes as “to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner“.
But before we go into what surrender is, let’s dive into answering “why” surrender is so important.
Based on the definition we can assume that deep down inside we know that something is keeping us as prisoner and we are not “free”.
Therefore before we can start the process of surrender, we must understand that we are actually not “free”.
What is freedom?
We are not free, because there is a voice inside of us that reaffirms limiting beliefs, nasty things about ourselves and others.
It is almost as if this voice habitually contradicts every good deed o
ä$ thought we try to maintain.
Could it be that surrender is awakening to the fact that you have been, for a large portion of your life – a prisoner of your mind?
This mind (also referred to my as the ego mind) is your worst enemy.
It is the voice that starts the process of self sabotaging your relationships, efforts to be a better person or to stay in positive thoughts.
So, what is surrender?
Surrender means that after you have this realization, you finally start the process to let go of your obsessive compulsive negative thoughts as soon as they pop up.
Easier said than done?
But also the thought “This sounds so damn hard!” is the voice of your Ego mind.
It all starts with the awareness that this voice is not yours to begin with.
In the Glamifest Mental Bootcamp course, I spend a significant time getting to bottom of what this voice is, and I will dedicate much of my content going forward to helping you understand this phenomena.
Now, back to the original question: how do we surrender?
After we actively make it a habit of creating awareness surrounding this negative voice, we must make a choice.
Ask yourself every single day: Which voice am I listening to? Is this me?
This is a powerful question to ask.
The more you ask this question, the more you will start to silence that negative voice within you.
You might be asking, what happens if this negative voice is gone?
This is the most beautiful thing about this work!
You will make space for you to finally reveal to yourself who you truly are.
Who you truly are is but a fraction of what you can currently understand.
I can best describe who you truly are as: your true self minus all of your limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, lack of self love, anxiety, depression, envy, anger and all of that “good” stuff.
Can you imagine who you truly are in this moment?
Close your eyes and ask yourself: Who am I? Is there a real “me” that is free from limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, lack of self love, anxiety, depression, envy, anger?
If this post iluminates but a tiny feeling of relief or lightness, congratulations: you have just started the process of connecting to who you truly are.
For the woman reading this: YOU are magnificent beyond your wildest dreams.
And I don’t mean to say this in a cheesy “self development ra ra” type of encouragement (lol).
I am talking about REAL self love.
The type of self love that nobody can take away from you.
The type of radiance that others can feel as you walk in the room.
This light is already within you… all that is left is for you to recognize who you truly are…. free from all of the “gunk” that your environment, society, traumas and bad relationships made you blind enough to forget your real nature.
There is a way out <3
Light and love.
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
Also, if you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?