Many moons ago, I used to follow a youtuber called Shera Seven. At that time, content resonated with me; as she was one of the few youtubers back in the day that talked about getting out of the victim mindset.
Shera seven was famous for giving the answer to the infamous question “What do you bring to the table” as “B&*ch I AM the table“.
It got so popular that she wrote a book called “I am the table” lol.
But this post is not about Shera, but rather the answer of “I am the table“.
I see many women bring this energy to online forums and their online dating game, but many struggle to find the results in line with the worth they claim to possess.
They flood the many forums and groups complaining that men do not respect them, and that they repeat over and over again “B&*ch I AM the table“.
What is the mismatch?
Many of us SAY a lot trough our words and actions, but we cleverly hide that which truly matters… our inner thoughts, beliefs and assumptions.
In my experience coaching women I noticed that the louder someone was about defending their worth, the more inner work needed to be done.
It is almost as the excessive (public) proclamation of their worth was a poor attempt for them to convince themselves that they are the table.
Those clients that come to me with this issue all seem to have one thing in common:
Someone (or several people) in the past have made them doubt their worth and they are doing all they can to get over this.
If this is you, do not be alarmed.
Many of us go around in circles trying to build self worth.
The issue with traditional methods of self worth is that you find yourself constantly seeking external validation of your worth.
Many women define this as a man going above and beyond to satisfy their every need.
The problem with this measuring system, that I see with many women is what happens when that source of validation is turned off.
They end up at square one, even more frustrated and bitter.
Picking themselves up just feels like too much work.
Some of these clients tell me that they want to give up on love alltogether.
They say: Lexi, I do not beleive in love! Men are a waste of time and they make me angry!
I am here to tell you that seeking external validation is the easiest way for you to keep experiencing disappointments over and over again.
That is, until we realize that self worth based on external validation is not sustainable.
This is when we truly start to make healthy moves towards a positive and sustainable self image.
So ask yourself today: How many more times do you want to keep looking for people, ideologies, relationships, possessions and “love” to convince you that you are worthy?
Is it not time that you start to create that self love within yourself?
Can you even imagine how powerful that is?
This actually means that you will finally go trough life without extreme highs and lows.
You will start to develop a radiant energy within yourself which connects you to happiness, peace and stillness.
People will stand in awe of this shift.. but guess what?
Their opinion does little if you know who you truly are.
I hope this post resonates with you today and a reminder for you to start to develop a healthy sense of self love which is not dependent on external things.
Remember: you got this!
Sending you light and love,
PS: Join the Glamifest Facebook Group to discuss these topics with like-minded ladies!
Also, if you want to start your self love journey, take a look at my latest online course called “Glamifest Mental Bootcamp“.

What do you think?