Many of my clients do not understand why the SP manifestations are so difficult.
You are frustrated and are feeling powerless and anxious.
You text your GFs screenshots saying:
“Can you BELIEVE he didn’t text me back?!”
“He is so emotionally unavailable”
“He doesn’t care about women”
“I knew he was wasting my time!!”
Ask yourself…
Could it be a possibility that these statements / beliefs are actually perpetuating his behaviours?
Could it be that, by repeating this story – it is actually hardening into fact?
Did you notice that what first happend only one – after focussing on it – turns into a big monster that does not seem to go away?
The answer is to PERSIST in the state of the wish fulfilled.
It starts with the state if naturalness as Neville says. It should start to feel natural to have men treat you with respect.
If it does not feel natural, start with revision of this exact feeling and revise the feeling of anxiety by going into your past (see announcement for a list of materials to get started). Nothing is impossible unless you tell yourself so.
An assumption, when persisted in: will harden into fact.
FEEL and ASSUME that you already are the type of woman that is respected, cherished and loved and it will be <3.

What do you think?