This is the LAW summed by one of the Glamifest your Dream Life Group members, Monique B. (read more about Monique at the end of the article).
*** You don’t get what you WANT, You get what you ARE***
How do you operate it? I will try to make it as clear as I can.
I start with the assumption that you are in here to learn to consciously create your reality.
A relationship with the man of your dreams, your dream job, maybe you’re trying to conceive a 1st, 2nd, 3rd baby, whatever it is, you can create all of it. We do it all day every day anyway.
Automatically, it’s built in.
Before you learned about the Law you created haphazardly and have some successes here and there and mostly think that you are at the effect of whatever it is you believe in.
When you learn about the Law and you really apply it, you will create what you want on purpose and consciously and become increasingly better at it.
- Believe & Know that you create your reality.
- Believe & Know that you create it Always, not half of the time and the other half is some deity, or sorcerer calling the shots. Either everything is God or nothing is. In this case YOU are God.
- Take FULL responsibility for everything that shows up in your life. And I mean e v er y t h i n g.
I have been there, I have done that, I have cursed and cried and was at the verge of break down so many times of it AND… I survived it and am thriving more and more every day. - Have an open mind and TEST it for yourselves. If you don’t test it but you keep asking questions or reading books, you will never learn it.
- Find out who you are. You need to know the program you are automatically running or said differently what’s the content of your subconscious mind?
- Your Point of Power is always now. Which means at any point in time when you think you “effed up” you can start over just by feeling good, great, loved, wealthy abundant NOW.
A quote from Seth that ties in with my post from Yesterday: “You are not now what you were ten minutes earlier.
You are not the same being physically, psychologically, spiritually, or psychically, and ten minutes later you will be different again.”
It boils down to: play make-belief, the only thing is, make-belief has always been real.
The key to experiencing what you have been make believing is persistence.
A word of advice, That when it happens (because it will), that you manifest THAT what you set out to, that you don’t freak out – been there done that too – but know that it is, because YOU consciously created it.
You stay calm, cool, and collected and you have an attitude like, Yeah b*tches, you know who’s boss 😉 you give thanks for your creation and you create some more amazingness.
I’m about to wrap it up for now, because this is already a lot to take in, I want to lastly make you aware of this:
The question is: “But how come such and such HAPPENED? I sure as hell didn’t want that to happen! And it did!”
The short answer is: see point 3. above of the frame I just painted you.
The answer in addition is: That it is why it is SUPER important that you know yourself (point 5.) Your beliefs, your thoughts, those programs that run automatically in you.
Ladies, Women, Glamifestors:Everything springs from us. It is all IN us. It all exists, now, and how you experience anything is by believing and feeling yourself into the situation that you want to experience as if it is already now.
You select the different reality, the parallel reality, by focusing on it with your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Remember: you don’t get what you WANT, You get what you ARE.
Read this a couple of times. And feel through it. And Q’s in the comments, I don’t reply to PM’s.
Much love, I’m going to enjoy the sun.
About the author

Monique B. lives in Berlin, Germany. She is a certified Yoga Teacher and provides offline and online classes.
In addition to Yoga, Monique owns a vegan make-up brand under which she creates (hand-made) lip pigments, lip balms and more.
Visit the Fra Lippo Lippie store to purchase her makeup line or contact her at to look into her Online Yoga Classes.

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