This page addresses frequently asked questions related to the subliminal videos offered by
What is the frequency of the videos?
100 hz carrier 5 hz binaural
How do I listen to the subliminals?
Check out this article to get a detailed explanation of how to best and most effectively utilize the subliminals for supercharged results.
How long does it take before I see results?
Everybody is different. It depends where you are starting and what you want to achieve.
Start once per day – preferably every night, and journal your experiences.
I will be posting my own experiences on my success stories playlist on Youtube.
Can I listen to these subliminals all night?
Listen all night only if it does not interrupt your sleep
Are results permanent? How long do results last?
This is different for each user.
You can see it like this: until your behavior generates the results you want, which will generate more of the same (or better) behavior.
Are there any limitations?
Don’t listen while driving and don’t listen of you have seizures.
Can I listen to these subliminals while watching TV?
Yes, but they will not be as effective as if you use them while in the State Akin to Sleep (SATS).
Do I have to listen with headphones?
Listening with headphones enhances the binaural effect. Listening with headphones is recommended, but not essential.
Listening through speakers is still effective, though not nearly as effective as listening with headphones.
However, if you listen while sleeping, speakers are OK, as your mind will naturally be in theta/delta/alpha state.
How many subliminals can I listen to at once?
The limiting factor is whether or not you can come up with a visualization that covers both/all subliminals.
Ideally, you would want to choose subliminals (if you are listening to more than one) over the same broad topic (money, relationships, health, etc.)
Can I listen to two or more at a time?
Yes, you can listen to as many as you want.
But they are on broadly different topics, they’ll be less effective as it will become difficult to create an intention to cover all of them
Will they work if English is my second language?
If you can read the statements and understand them without having to “think” or look any words up, you should be okay.
But, if you study the words ENOUGH to understand them, they’ll work.
Just make sure to always have a strong visualization to go along with listening.
Click here to understand how to visualize while listening to subliminals.
How many voices are incorporated in the subliminal videos?
Four voices.
Do you make custom subliminals?
Custom subliminals are currently not available.We will roll out custom subliminals in the 3rd quarter of 2020.
Subscribe to be notified once we provide these.

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