The following story is a submission from my friend Dawnn Karen. I am beyond excited that she allowed me to share her story with you.
The following story is one that comes close to heart.
Why? Because I followed this story to its fruition!
I still remember late night calls with Dawnn, discussing this situation – and waiting in anticipation for the papers to be finalized!
Who is Dawnn Karen?
Dawnn understood the secret of manifestation and has since manifested grand things in her life (proud!).
Dawnn recently made history in two ways. She is the youngest professor to ever educate at the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology in New York; she is also a pioneer in the field of Fashion Psychology – starting her own online school Fashion Psychology Success.

Recently she also published her first book Dress Your Best Life, which will soon be translated into several different languages and sold across all continents.
It all started with a notebook and a dream….
Dawn would write in her journal that she lived and owned an apartment in NYC in a luxurious area in 2016.
At the time, she was sleeping on an air mattress rent-free in the wealthiest suburb outside of NYC. She lived there from 2015-2017.
She had moved there after living abroad and had chosen to live a nomadic lifestyle in order to travel the world to many countries to work on her entrepreneurial endeavors.
She particularly wanted to sleep on an air mattress as she always wanted to stay ready for any opportunity she would attract.
At the same time, she did not let her current circumstances stop her from dreaming big.
Her story goes as follows:
I eventually wanted to become more stable by living in an apartment in NYC. I would begin scripting over and over that I lived in a luxurious apartment in NYC.
I learned of programs for home ownership. I applied for several in NYC and won about 5 opportunities for ownership.
Though when I would get to the document requirements, I never could prove my income as my money off my books.
I still never gave up hope and continued scripting.
I traveled to the Caribbean in July 2017 and received word that I had to vacate my place by the end of September 2017.
All she wanted was to move inside NYC to live in Manhattan.
Upon returning to the US, I found a place and put a security deposit 3 months in advance for a cute apartment in a newly gentrified area.
Unfortunately, for some odd reason, the current tenant did not want to leave the premises. Therefore I needed to find a new place to live ASAP.
Still, I continued to think positively.
Then I stumbled upon an apartment that had Central Park practically as its backyard. I did not have the proper paperwork to live in the apartment, yet I kept faith and applied.
The landlord only spoke of my looks after looking me up on social media and my education. He revealed to me he lived out of the state and the apartment belonged to his family who bought the apartment over 20 years ago.
He told me that he had used the apartment to generate income after his family did not want to have anything to do with the apartment.
The big move to the seemingly perfect apartment
I moved in that following week in October 2017. The representative that I gave my security deposit to for the original apartment repeatedly called me.
I never answered a call. After all, I considered it a gift to the universe for allowing the sequence of events to occur.
I forfeited the security deposit of over $1,000 which was a small price to pay. I moved into a fully furnished apartment. I lived here for 2017-2019.
For some odd reason I had been asked to pay my rent early, but I discovered my utilities (included in rent) were being shut off.
One day I was extremely stressed because everything in my life were not going as planned. I cried to someone about my situations and they informed me that I had been over-paying 4x the rent for my current place.
I did my research spoke to a tenant lawyer and realized this was indeed true. This is illegal here in NYC amongst other things. The lawyer looked for the deed for this apartment and it was non existent.
Serendipity strikes
About a month later, I serendipitously was invited to a cocktail celebration for a newly appointed judge. I attended and congratulated the the judge. Upon speaking with her I learned that she was a judge presiding over housing court. I could not believe it!
I discovered that in the event the landlord wanted to return for the apartment he could not take me to court without a deed on file.
Also, because of the non-payment of the utilities (particularly in the winter season) and subletting an apartment Airbnb style without the owner present is illegal in the state of New York.
I confronted the landlord informing him that I uncovered his illegal activity and that I spoke to a lawyer and a judge. He stopped calling me afterwards. I discreetly put the utilities in my name, inadvertently giving the apartment to me (according to NYC tenant laws).
I then called the management company that handles the payments for maintenance fees. I requested the billing statement for the maintenance fees for the apartment to see what has been paid thus far.
I manifested and now now officially own a COOP with Central Park as my backyard in NYC.
And it all started with scripting while lying down on my air mattress in the attic in the wealthiest suburb outside of NYC.
The universe always finds a way
Glamifesting ladies know that the universe always make a way.
This why I implore you to not focus on the “HOW” – the universe ALWAYS knows the fastest and most harmonious way to achieve the most impossible dreams!
Do you want to manifest your own apartment?
Subscribe to our Youtube channel to be informed as soon as our first video is uploaded “The Basics of Glamifesting“.
I will be explaining the most basic laws of manifesting so that you can start your glamifesting journey right away.
To discuss with like-minded ladies, feel free to join our Glamifest Your Dream Life Facebook Group.
Sending you love and light – always..
xoxo Lexi

February 17, 2020I just LOVE this story!! 💞💞💞
February 18, 2020Happy you enjoyed it <3