Hello ladies,
Today’s post is dedicated to topic that I’ve seen has become more increasingly important during my many years of practicing the law of attraction. This article will touch upon your inner voice and the role of energy in the manifestation process.
Why is it difficult to manifest big things?
When trying to manifest small things, we often have success with ease.
Here are some examples of small manifestations:
- a free cup of coffee
- a platonic friend or family member reaching out to you
- being invited to a dinner
But when it comes to bigger things such as: manifesting a specific person, getting married to a loving man, finding the job of your dreams and being emotionally in control… it suddenly becomes difficult.
Ask yourself, do you need convincing?
Oftentimes our biggest critic and hardcore sceptic is ourselves! Let me explain this to you. Have you ever written down the things you often say to yourself?
Here are some examples of negative self talk:
- He didn’t reply to my text, I am not important to him (you feel worthless)
- I am most probably going to a nervous wreck during this interview. I’m sure the other candidates are more experienced (you feel anxious)
- Look at that – the girls went out again without inviting me. They all look much happier without me on instagram. I am not cool enough and never will be (you feel under-appreciated and not worthy)
Most of us will never admit to it publicly – but we have all had these types of thoughts to an extent.
Thoughts become reality
Now, wether you are aware or not – I am fully convinced that your thoughts become reality.
This implies that the negative self talk will bring about what you think about. How?
See some examples below:
- Thought: He didn’t reply to my text, I am not important to him (you feel worthless)
- Outcome: You become dependant on his texts to feel good, like a drug you wait for your next shot (text). Whenever he doesn’t text you feel like a drug addict without access – you become desperate and he senses this (energetically).
- Thought: I am most probably going to a nervous wreck during this interview. I’m sure the other candidates are more experienced (you feel anxious)
- Outcome: You become a ball of anxiety and you fluke the interview.
Do get it now? The results are a direct effect of your thoughts and current “state”. Your feelings and emotions – directly linked to your state also linger around you energetically. This energy sends a signal out into the universe that brings about your future experiences.
Overcoming your biggest enemy
Now, in the previous two examples – the one doing the most damage is yourself. You must tackle your biggest enemy, which is the voice in your head that tells you to give up, resent and become dependant on others opinions and validation.
The truth is, if you don’t master your thoughts, your manifestations will turn out the opposite of what you are wishing.
Here is a good example of a reverse manifestation when it comes to attracting love:
- In the example of the text addiction, you become overly dependant and desperate. This will cause you to be an energetic mismatch to the man you are hoping to become exclusive with. Whatever you do, he will not feel attracted to you. He will be repelled towards you and push you away.
Why is energy important and how does it work?
Many teachings try not to become too complicated and leave out the importance of energy. The truth is that most can already feel it themselves.
Have you not noticed that a good day usually brings an even better outcome? That is, if you do not overthink or fall into the negative energy spiral.
My favourite example is one that every woman comes across many times in her lifetime. The dreaded “new girlfriend” or “sudden wife“.
Have you ever noticed that you would have a pretty girl in a horrible relationship for years with a man who suddenly breaks up and marries the next girl he meets? And he even treats her like a princess and shows her off?
And all of this with a girl who often is not considered “traditionally beautiful” when compared to the previous girlfriend(s)? Yes, we have all seen this happen before. This is another example of how energy attracts and retains – not only the outer.
The topic of energy is one that I have dedicated years towards exploring and experimenting. In the past few months I have found several techniques that have helped me fast charge my manifestations.
I am excited to be sharing my most effective techniques with you very soon – but I am still in the process of organisation. Be sure to keep an eye on our blog or subscribe to our blog to make sure you don’t miss out.
If you want to learn how to navigate energy to fast charge your manifestations, feel free to reach out to me directly.
Lastly, join our ever-growing Glamifest your Dream Life Community on Facebook and like our Facebook page to stay up to date.
Sending love and light always…

What do you think?