I couldn’t help but notice the new song by Paris Hilton who mentions her being in club surrounded by “f*ck boys trying to make a pass“.
At first, I thought this was a funny hit-song, but quickly thought of how real this situation is for many women in their private life.
You see, my Facebook feed is constantly overwhelmed with women complaining about men.
The complaint oftentimes specifically focus on what is referred to as “emotionally unavailable men“.
And unfortunately, Law of Attraction Facebook Groups are no different, as many questions relate to attracting emotionally unavailable men.
Common posts sound something like this:
“There are NO decent men out there”
“All they want from me is SEX“
“I HATE men with a passion”
“I can’t believe he didn’t TEXT me after we had sex”
– Anonymous
When it comes to the Law of Attraction – while most of us DO understand how the manifestation process works, we often (still) fail to implement it in real life.
It is important to understand that we manifest what we believe in. Better said, by focusing on emotionally unavailable men you are speaking them into existence.
Therefore, what we think about – we bring about.
In other words:
The Power of Your Words to Create a Life You Desire (or don’t)
So, next time – before you post or speak to your girlfriends about men, remember the power that words have on your future.
By repeating the same negative statements over and over again, you are subconsciously attracting more of the negative into your future. This perpetually dooms you to keep experiencing the same negative situations over and over again.
Let’s revisit the previous quotes and see how they might manifest…
“There are NO decent men out there” = You will KEEP meeting unsuitable men
“All they want from me is SEX” = You will attract more men who will USE YOU for SEX.
“I HATE men with a passion” = You will attract men who HATE WOMEN.
“I can’t believe he didn’t TEXT me after we had sex” = You will keep ATTRACTING EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE MEN.
See where I’m going? Now, you might be asking yourself how to reverse this habit.
How to not attract emotionally unavailable men?
In my next blog posts, I will give concrete examples of how you can overcome the voice in your head that keeps you back from thinking positively.
Till then, feel free to join our Glamifest Your Dream Life Community on Facebook or subscribe to this blog.

What do you think?