Manifestation story of the day: How one girl went from working in a callcenter in Central America to being a respected influencer and voted best blogger in the UK!
This story surely shook me to the core. It really shows that nothing is impossible if you believe!

Take the time to read this remarkable story and you will surely start the day feeling inspired to manifest your dream life:
Please excuse me if I get a little bit emotional over here. Let me take you back to sometime around 2011. It is hard for me to talk about this time in my life and it is not something I have really talked about much. I will tell more in time. But what I will say for now is that I was suffering from some sort of depression. I felt my life had no meaning. I didn’t know what I wanted and therefore I made wrong decisions that lead me to a lot of sadness and emptiness. I prayed day and night with faith that one day I would find my true calling. I would do something that was meaningful to me, that I would be good at and eventually would help the world as well.
Getting introduced to “The Secret”
I read ‘The Secret.‘ It not only opened my eyes and allowed me to understand the power of the law of attraction, but by focusing on living a positive life and focusing only on that, I quite quickly started seeing my life change. It helped me get out of the deep hole I had slowly dug for myself.
I had been working full time at a call center and doing my second degree. In my tiny little apartment in Costa Rica that I shared with my friend and coworker, I made a mood board filled with pictures and emotions I wanted to have in my life. I did not know how or when these things would happen, but I had faith they would and I would not even listen to anyone saying the opposite. I just would not let my mind go there.
The Big Move & the Cosmopolitan UK Blog awards
In 2013 I had finished my Fashion Degree, had met a wonderful man, moved to London and started a blog. I did my freelance translation and kept building my little webpage. I kept insisting, persisting, staying true to myself and making a very, very big effort to create a community that was reliable. I wanted to be creating content that was good and was eventually recognised by the Cosmopolitan UK Blog Awards with a ‘Best blog award’.
Since then I have travelled the world, worn clothes and accessories I would only see in the Vogues my mum would get me from the US or UK. Back then I could not even get them in Costa Rica. I worked with my favorite brands since forever, met wonderful people and had experiences I did not even know were possible. Just last week went on my second trip with Revolve to Bermuda!
Why is this so meaningful? Because just as the founders of Revolve, I started from the bottom, built a family of trust and love with all my wanderers. Revolve is known for being one of, if not the strongest, influencer based brands in the world. Their founders are incredibly successful but mostly incredibly humble, which is why being part of the Revolve family is an absolute dream come true.
Believe believe believe and work for it. You will get there.
Are you also looking into manifesting a life as an influencer? Or perhaps you are still trying to find your life purpose.
Struggling to apply the Law of Attraction? Try this easy three-step technique to manifest small and big things.
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